Mon - Fri 10:00 - 19:00
+995 595 72 70 70; +995 551 75 57 57
50/18 Bochorma Street, 0144 Tbilisi, Georgia; 75b Kostava Street, 0171 Tbilisi, Georgia

» საქართველოს მთვარობის განკარგულება შპს „ენერგო ინვესტისათვის” საქართველოს წითელი ნუსხით დაცული მცენარეების ბუნებრივი გარემოდან ამოღებაზე თანხმობის მიცემის შესახებ №613 – 16.03.2018.

» City Hall of Kvareli Municipality – Building Permit #01/178 – 22 January 2018

» Order of the City Hall of Kvareli Municipality #4/არქ – 16 January 2018

» City Hall of Kvareli Municipality – Building Permit #01/94 – 16 January 2018

» City Hall of Kvareli Municipality – Act #51 – 12 December 2017

» Agreement with National Agency of State Property – 11 December 2017

» National Agency of State Property – Agreement of purchase – 11 December 2017

» Order of the Minister of Environment and Natural Resources Protection #i-795 – 4 December 2017

» Deduction of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection #90 – 1 December 2017

» Georgian State Electrosystem – Agreement of purchase – #60–7–517–2575 – 17 November 2017

» Order of the Minister of Environment and Natural Resources Protection #i-758 – 15 November 2017

» Deduction of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection #85 – 15 November 2017

» National Forestry Agency – Order #948/ს – 28 October 2017

» Order of the Government of Georgia #2089 – 5 October 2017

» National Agency of State Property – Letter #5/51840 – 5 October 2017

» National Forestry Agency – Letter #07/13649 – 12 July 2017

» Order of the Government of Georgia #1839 – 31 August 2017

» Kvareli Municipalty Board – Act #34 – 15 June 2017

» National Agency of State Property – Agreement – 7 June 2017

» Kvareli Municipal Board – Construction Permit # 37 – 06 July 2017

» Order of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia #5493 – 23 June 2017

» Order of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia #Nი-317 – 22 June 2017

» Order of the Government of Georgia #1222 – 15 June 2017

» Contract of lease – 07 June 2017

» Order of the Government of Georgia #1067 – 01 June 2017

» Agreement on amendment between Government of Georgia – LTD “Energo Invest” – JSC “Electricity System Commercial Operator” / 11 January 2017

» Order #ი-615 – On the approval of Ecological Expert Report on the amendment to the project on the planned construction and exploitation of Avani HES at Avaniskhevi river in Kvareli Municipality of Energy Invest LLC – Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia / 22 November 2016

» Conclusion on Project #58 of ecological expertize – Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia / 18 November 2016

» Contract – Government of Georgia – LLC “Energo Invest” / 29 July 2016

» Coat of Arms of The Government of Georgia Degree #1482 / 21 July 2016

» Order #ი-225 – On the approval of Ecological Expert Report on the construction and exploitation of Avani HES with 5.4 MW capacity at Avaniskhevi river in Kvareli Municipality of Energy Invest LLC – Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia / 27 April 2016

» Ecological Expert Opinion on the project #23 – Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia / 26 April 2016

» Agreement between Government of Georgia – LTD “Energo Invest” – JSC “Electricity System Commercial Operator” / 15 April 2016

» Memorandum of Mutual Understanding – Government of Georgia – LTD “Energo Invest” – JSC “Electricity System Commercial Operator” / 31 March 2015

» Extract from Registry of Entrepreneurs and Non-Entrepreneurial (Non-Commercial) Legal Entities